Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Miracle Of Childbirth



The miracle of childbirth is one of the best experiences for the parents, especially the mother. Normally the woman expresses extreme joy when she finds out that she is pregnant and when the child is born. The experience of childbirth cannot be expressed in words. During childbirth the father is also allowed in the operation theatre to witness the birth of his child from the mother's womb. The miracle of childbirth is a powerful force that should be respected by both the parents as it will change their lives forever.

Amazing Experience

The miracle of childbirth is truly an amazing experience. It starts with a tiny sperm of the millions of the sperms who has managed to enter the egg of the woman. It begins to fertilize the egg and then the egg begins its journey through the fallopian tube. The egg then lodges to the placenta and the cells inside the embryo are continuously multiplying. Slowly the baby will begin to develop the heart, brain, liver, lungs, ears, eyes, hands and legs.

Child Gives Birth to a Mother

The miracle of childbirth is so great that it is often said that, " A child gives birth to a mother" instead of saying that the mother gives birth to a child. Anyone who has seen an actual child birth can describe the feelings that rush through the body. The child enters your world and then it changes your world forever.

Experienced by many women

The miracle of childbirth is experienced by thousands of women everyday across the globe. However bringing the child in the world is not an easy task. It takes its tool on the mother who keeps the unborn child in her womb for 9 months. Even before then child is born it has developed senses. Till nine months it will stay protected in the mother's womb and then in a moment it will enter the outside world. It is like the child breaking free from a protected cocoon ready to face the world head on.

Greatest Miracle

Most of the people believe in miracles however they feel that child birth is the greatest miracle of them all. The growth from a single fertilized egg to a perfect child with face and body is indeed a miracle. You can imagine about a new human being entering our world and this miracle is far beyond our belief and understanding. It is definitely the greatest miracle of them all. Some people, in fact, consider it to be an achievement of female resilience. It is known as a miracle since two people have joined hands to create a new life and it also gives a purpose to their lives.

Though the reality states that childbirth is a biological function, it is the whole process of the gradual growth of the child into a perfect newborn that makes it a miracle. The process of the parts of the body growing and taking shape are nothing short of a miracle in child birth. No wonder, the miracle of child birth is a wish fulfilled of millions of people around the world.

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Life Is a Miracle

The world is an amazing place! I am in awe of all the miracles every day. One of my favorite quotes is from Albert Einstein:

There are two ways to live:
you can live as if nothing is a miracle;
you can live as if everything is a miracle.

It's interesting that a genius with such a scientific mind would be talking about miracles... but what is life really?

There is so much that can unfold in your life. You are exactly where you need to be right now and all the things that you've experienced have lead you to this place. But the future is a blank canvas, waiting for you to choose the outcome you desire.

Once you understand how you truly are a creator in your life, and take responsibility for all that you have experienced, you become liberated to dream your biggest dreams! You become empowered to know that the world is ever expanding and your dreams CAN come true!

Taking responsibility for your actions in your life means understanding that you have created a lot of your experiences by default. When your worst fears become your reality, it's because you've spend so much time focusing with fear, worry, anger, hurt, shame or any other emotion that is rooted in fear. Most of us do create our lives by default...until we learn that it can be another way.

The emotions based in love include feeling content, optimistic, excited, passionate, joyful and, of course, love. When we are feeling those positive emotions, we are in a vibrational level or frequency to attract our dreams and goals.

I have a tool that I've developed called the Joyometer, which is a simple scale to check in on your emotions. It's what I call a mood management system. When you fall into that downward spiral of negative emotions-those based in fear-you are taking a back seat and allowing your life to happen on a reactive basis. When you are in a positive frame of mind-in the emotions coming from love-you are the master of your universe. You make a conscious choice on how to react to situations. You are proactive and aware of your canvas and what you are putting there.

Just as a boat without a rudder will be tossed and turned in the ocean by the waves, living in fear has the same effect. But when you put that rudder down into the water, you can suddenly steer the boat and choose what direction you want to sail. Love is that rudder. One of the definitions of a rudder in the dictionary is "something that guides or directs". When you choose to live your life coming from a place of love, "miracles" can become common in your life.

It's time to understand just how powerful we are as individuals and harness that power to create our dream lives!

Karin Volo is known as your Dream Job Mentor. She has worked in executive search for over 15 years on two continents and has placed hundreds of people in their dream jobs. She has worked internationally and has a good understanding of cultural differences and understands how important the right job or career is for a person's well being.

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